Archive website of the programming period 2009-2014
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Rain Garden – a place for inspiration, knowledge, activities and relax - [ACC03053]

Basic information

  • Project Number: ACC03053
  • Project Title: Rain Garden – a place for inspiration, knowledge, activities and relax
  • Program: SK02 - Climate change
  • Region of the Project Implementation:
  • District of the Project Implementation : Žilina
  • Project Implementation Started: 11.09.2014
  • Estimated Date of Project Completion: 28.02.2015
  • Project Promoter: Elementary school, Youth Square 1, Žilina
  • Component/Measure: Blue Schools
  • Status:Completed


  • Project Grant Approved: 40 000,00 €
  • Actual Project Grant: 40 000,00
  • Actual Project Grant Rate: 100,00 €
  • Project Grant paid till now: 39 984,00 €
  • Project Grant accounted for till now: 39 984,00 €


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