- Stránky
- Projekty
- Education in the field of climate and adaptation measures at Private Secondary Technical School with Hungarian Language
Education in the field of climate and adaptation measures at Private Secondary Technical School with Hungarian Language - [ACC03066]
Basic information
- Project Number: ACC03066
- Project Title: Education in the field of climate and adaptation measures at Private Secondary Technical School with Hungarian Language
- Program: SK02 - Climate change
- Region of the Project Implementation:
- District of the Project Implementation : Nitra
- Project Implementation Started: 11.09.2014
- Estimated Date of Project Completion: 30.06.2015
- Project Promoter: Private Secondary Technical School with Hungarian Language
- Component/Measure: Blue Schools
- Status:In Progress
- Project Grant Approved: 36 866,00 €
- Actual Project Grant: 36 865,99
- Actual Project Grant Rate: 100,00 €
- Project Grant paid till now: 36 866,00 €
- Project Grant accounted for till now: 36 866,00 €
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